Tuesday 27 August 2019

Karen's Tuesday Tips

Writing crap, sleep for productivity, and thinking big
Karen's Tuesday Tips
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Hi, again gang!

So here's what's had me thinking the past week...

What I've been reading:

The Magic of Thinking Big

I'm not a fan of woo-woo positive thinking books, so please don't write this book off as something in that category (I know... it looks like one!) This is more about looking at your plans and thinking about doing it on a larger scale which is often just as easy to do as a smaller plan might be.

if you still have doubts, take a look at the video below.

Find out more

Quote I've been contemplating:

"You don't start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it's good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it. That's why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence." - Octavia E. Butler

A free tool I use


This tool can do quite a few things (read about it under the text edit area at the link above), but I seem to find myself going back to it for something quite simple...

As you probably know, it's a bad idea to copy from any source and paste it directly into WordPress. It's also quite messy if you copy something and paste it into a Word doc or into an email you are composing (like this one) as formatting etc gets picked up and pulled into wherever you paste it.

If you copy anything, paste it into this first, and then copy it from there and paste into your final destination and all formatting will be removed from the text you have copied.

Bookmark this, as it does the basics of a regular text editor without having an extra application running on your computer.

Article you will find valuable:

Why Keyword Research Is the Most Important Part of Digital Marketing

I talk about keyword research and its importance quite a bit, but I liked this article by Neil Patel and I think it will help you to get a better grasp on it and how it works. It's a fairly long one, so grab yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy. ;-)

Podcast I'm listening to:

Sleep With Me Podcast

Sleep is incredibly important, but for us entrepreneurial types it's difficult to get the days problems out of our head so it can become difficult for us to fall asleep at night.

This podcast has stories for you to listen to that will take your mind away from all that. My bet is you'll rarely hear the end of one of these stories!

Listening to bedtime stories is just for kids? Not in my opinion if it helps you get the rest you need to be more productive and alert.

That's it for this week gang!

I hope you found Karen's Tuesday Tips helpful this week. As usual, let me know if you have any suggestions, tips, tricks or tools you would like me to share next week! :-)

Until then,
SBO MEDIA LLP, 704 N. King Street, Suite 500, Wilmington, De 19801, United States

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